Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I am one of those people who cares about the story of the products I buy and I'm happy to pay more for products that are made in the right spirit. Unfortunately one of the reasons why quality is often more expensive is because cheap things are still available and they'll continue to be as long as they're being bought.

Quality remains the highest priority for consumers, even above ethics ... hopefully one-day we can transcend this whole debate about ethical production, it will no longer be a selling point because it will be the base line. Is this is a little optimistic? Will people always look for the cheaper option?

Something I found interesting when read an ethical fashion article today was how there are a lot of incentives for young "designers", in fact they are often given a pretty high profile, but the same can not be said for young "producers", or manufacturers. In Australia, making quality clothes or furniture or anything, as a young person, is not really valued in the same way as it might be in Denmark or Sweden perhaps because they have well-established craft cultures.

Food for thought.

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