Tuesday, May 3, 2011


When you're young, you want to experience new things that you discover as soon as you find them. Like a child in a candy store, there's no sense of time or the maturity to evenly distribute these experiences over a life time. Travelling can be a classic environment where this "I want it all now"-syndrome leads to over-stimulation, and consequential burn out. Whether its information, food or clothing the trend is to acquire beyond one's physical, emotional and economic means.

With maturity, and several bouts of burn-out, one's sense of urgency wains and a more balanced attitude forms. One has to exercise particular restraint with modern media, there is simply too much information to absorb and most of it is rubbish. You have to choose where you get your news from and how you keep up with a rapidly evolving world. This should in theory make younger generations excellent information processors, and those who aren't able to adapt simply get left behind. For those adaptable creatures at the frontier they have to hang on for dear life. Hmm, the modern world ...

Side note: its the same when you meet a really interesting girl, or guy depending. In the back of your mind you think, "This person would be a great partner" but then you realise "Why do I need to do that? Why complicate things?"

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