Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The beauty of architecture is its power to make you feel. In this way Daniel Libeskind's design for the Jewish Museum is a validation of the value of architecture. The building and its spaces are very much open to interpretation.

When I walked into the Holocaust Tower I instantly felt the coldness of the concrete, it was like being in a dungeon, trapper. As I leaned against the cold walls the big, heavy door being slammed sounded like a gun shot, as if I was being lined up for execution by Nazi's. The sounds coming from outside were hauntings of ghosts ... and the insensitive laughter of teenage boys entering the space gave a feeling of the wickedness of the people that had committed that torture. The way they quickly walked back out made me think of how little value these people's lives were given. These are only glimpses and metaphors, but they are very real and horrible feelings.

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